SUN JAN 26, 2025
presented by and O-STREET MINIGOLF

Details for Registration
This ticket grants the purchaser one admission/entry to The Prodigium Mid-Winter Cup Minigolf Tournament happening on Sunday, January 26, 2025. Doors open at 8am for practice. Registration starts at 8am and finalizes at 9:15am. Group meeting happens at 9:30am and first group tee off starts directly after. All tournament closings happen by 2pm.
This ticket also grants purchaser 1 FREE regular admission on any open day to practice the course before the tournament. Show up at the front desk and your name will be on a list. You will be stamped and can practice until close that day. We recommend attending on a Wednesday or Thursday for best practice time. Weekends can be very busy.
Registrations will be capped at 54.
Purchasing this admission includes your agreement that all injuries due to swinging or playing in the tournament are not Prodigy's fault and purchaser takes full responsibility for their own actions.
Purchaser also agrees to be on video for live stream and post-uploaded video content online. Please email jeff@prodigyminigolf.com with any questions.​
1st Place : $600 cash
2nd Place : $300 cash
3rd Place : $150 cash
4th Place : $100 cash
5th Place : $75 cash
6th Place : $40 cash + Prodigy admission card
7th Place : $30 cash + Prodigy admission card
8th Place : $20 cash + Prodigy admission card
9th Place : $10 cash + Prodigy admission card
10th Place : Prodigy admission card

Every player will play through 2 full rounds (17-holes; 1 through 17).
The aim is to get the ball from the teeing-off point to the target cup in as few strokes as possible.
The combined total of both rounds will be your final score.
Lowest final score will win the tournament.
Tied final score of both rounds combined:
If any players are tied at the end of 2 rounds combined, we will hold a tiebreaker.
If 2 players tie:
Each player chooses one hole and a third is chosen by owner for a 3 hole playoff
The 3 holes will be played in the ascending order of 1 through 17
The player with the lowest score get the place
If 3 players tie:
Each player chooses one hole, for a 3 hole playoff
The 3 holes will be played in the ascending order of 1 through 17
The player with the lowest score get the place, and so on
Players may use any regulated golf putter with a metal shaft and flat striking surface.
The ball used must be provided by Prodigy
You will be provided with a brand new, out of package ball
Stroke rules
Players must place the ball on one of the 3 divot holes on the tee-off pad for the first stroke.
The ball must be struck once per stroke, not pushed or double struck. The club must connect with the ball once creating a bounce directly off the putter. A push or carry will result in a 2 stroke penalty.
The ball must come to a complete stop before putting again. A ball touched while still in bounds by any part of the body or club before it stops will result in a 2 stroke penalty, even if the ball is clearly heading out of bounds. The ball must roll out of bounds before being touched.
Any player may mark their ball with a coin or marker, lift the ball and replace it back in position.
Before every stroke, the ball should be addressed with the club held in both hands; disabled players excused.
A stroke is played when a player, in readiness to play, brings the club into contact with the ball thereby setting it in motion. / “Set in Motion” means when the ball leaves its position of rest.
Strokes can only be taken when the ball is in play. Unintentional contact with the ball in the absence of clear readiness to play does not count as a stroke.
A player is deemed ready to play when addressing the ball with a backswing. Any type of this movement from the club back and forth counts as readiness to play.
Each stroke counts as a point. If the ball still has not been holed after six strokes, another point is added. The highest possible score at one hole is 7 (seven) unless there are penalty strokes involved.
The playing area must not be entered when a ball in play is moving.
Players are allowed relief by moving a ball up to one folded scorecard length from a rail (with ball, at most, resting against the edge of the card, obstacle or otherwise to allow for a proper backstroke.
The player must relieve perpendicular, when able, to the point of the rail or wall wart that is closest to the ball.
If perpendicular is not possible, the player cannot relieve to a new ball placement that gives an advantage to that player as agreed upon by the rest of the group.
If group agrees on an issue, the play stands. If there is a dispute, the owner will be called over to make a judgment call without knowing whose ball is in play.
The ball must stay in the cup to count as a make; if it pops out, the ball is played where it lies.
If ball rests on a carpet rift or fold on a ramp (ie. Hole 4), the player has 2 options:
1. Strike the ball where it lies
2. Lightly touch the ball and allow it to roll down
If Hole 15 does NOT catch the ball after dropping it into the tube, the player may attempt the cannon again with no penalty.
Order of Play
The holes should always be played in order 1-17, unless otherwise ordered by the tournament organizers or Tournament Director prior to play.
The first hole’s order is determined by first name, first letter; the letter closest to A goes first and so on.
A hole can only be played once the previous player has played the hole and left the playing area.
After each hole, the lowest score on that previous hole will have honors, or will go first on that next hole. For players with the same scores, those players follow the same order as on the previous hole.
Out of Bounds
If a ball rests out of bounds, the ball must be placed back to where it was struck before heading out of bounds; the ball is NOT re-placed where the ball went out of bounds.
There are no direct penalties for the ball resting out of bounds, but all strokes count.
Player may stop the ball if outside the play area of the hole, but the player may also wait to see if the ball comes back in bounds to avoid having to re-place the ball.
If a ball goes out of bounds, but bounces back in bounds, ultimately resting back in bounds, the ball is within legal play and can be played as normal.
‘Out of bounds’ is determined by any area outside the regular raised rails of the hole or behind the tee-off boundary.
If a ball is caught or trapped by an obstacle but still sits within the bounds of the border rails, the ball may be treated as resting against the rail and may be moved out up to one club length away (as marked on scorecard).