Our local Daily Hampshire Gazette did a really nice 2 pager in the weekend edition all about Prodigy and my lead up to creating this place (with a front page top-center teaser). I don't do a lot of press, but the guy who wrote this, Alexander MacDougall, knows the retro video game scene well and did a great job portraying my vision and directing it at my target audience.
I always prefer word of mouth publicity because people are able to describe their experience better to someone they know and only to who they feel would like and understand the place... than to read it built for a mass audience written for profit. But again, this piece was done tastefully and I appreciate the Gazette for all of their local support.
I'll be releasing my annual 'year-end report' next week and lay out the new massive plans for 2025! Prodigy's almost 7 years in and I'm just getting started...